EPL 001 |
Introduction to Computer Science |
EPL 002 |
Introduction to Computer Science |
EPL 003 |
Computer Science and Information Systems |
EPL 031 |
Introduction to Programming |
EPL 033 |
Introduction to Programming for Engineers |
EPL 034 |
Introduction to Programming for Engineers |
EPL 035 |
Data Structures and Algorithms for Electrical and Computer Engineers |
EPL 041 |
Electronic Health and Medicine |
EPL 111 |
Discrete Structures in Computer Science and Computation |
EPL 131 |
Programming Principles I |
EPL 133 |
Object Oriented Programming |
EPL 202 |
Explorations into Computer Science |
EPL 211 |
Computational Theory |
EPL 221 |
Computer Organization and Assembly Programming |
EPL 222 |
Operating Systems |
EPL 231 |
Data Structures and Algorithms |
EPL 232 |
Programming Techniques and Tools |
EPL 324 |
Communications and Networks |
EPL 341 |
Artificial Intelligence |
EPL 342 |
Databases |
EPL 343 |
Software Engineering |
EPL 412 |
Logic in Computer Science |
EPL 421 |
Systems Programming |
EPL 423 |
Network and Information Security |
EPL 427 |
Mobile Computer Networks |
EPL 428 |
Internet of Things: Programming and Application |
EPL 435 |
Human Computer Interaction |
EPL 442 |
Machine Learning |
EPL 445 |
Digital Image Processing |
EPL 450 |
Network Management and Services |